Penetration And Vulnerability Testing

All networks, without an exception, have certain number of weaknesses, our services are meant to uncover these weaknesses with a view to recommending a measurable and actionable improvement path to block the holes to the barest minimum. While these network’s holes will continue to be present in any live network, we strive to carry out a deeper assessment that transcends the conventional methodologies adopted by most competitors, and that is the more reason we prefer to serve as a second opinion provider for any networks that had been tested by another service provider, this enables the client to validate the existing positions advised by the earlier Pen Testers.

Penetration testing is meant to achieve a security posture assessment of a client’s network, by assessing the vulnerabilities of The Client’s ICT Infrastructure and developing a security improvement plan to address these vulnerabilities in order to ensure security, reliability, and availability of the Network.

We equally carry out dedicated software secure code testing to ascertain and be assured of a seamless operation when the software goes live.

Our Vulnerability Assessment is targeted at the logical and administrative components of the networks.

We deliver our impeccable services in concert with our international partners who physically and remotely work with us to ensure and assure quality and timeous service delivery.
